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Super-Resolution Microscopes


N-STORM Super-Resolution Microscope System

Tenfold increased resolution in x, y and z.

STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) reconstructs a super-resolution fluorescence image by combining precise localization information for individual fluorophores in complex fluorescent specimens. N-STORM takes advantage of Nikon's powerful Ti2-E inverted microscope and applies high-accuracy, multi-colour localisation and reconstruction in three dimensions (xyz) to enable super-resolution imaging at tenfold the resolution of conventional light microscopes (up to approximately 20 nm in xy).

This powerful technology enables the visualization of molecular interactions at the nanoscopic level, opening up new worlds of scientific understanding.


  • Tenfold improvement of axial resolution up to 50nm
  • Tenfold improvement of lateral resolution up to 20nm
  • Dynamic super-resolution imaging
  • Multi-colour imaging capability
  • High definition, high density images
  • Large image acquisition area
  • Seamless switching between imaging modalities for multi-scale experiments
  • Objectives designed for N-STORM

For more information, please click:


DeepSIM X-Light Super-Resolution Microscope

Crest DeepSIM X-Light Super-Resolution Microscope

X-Light V3 in combination with DeepSIM X-Light super-resolution system

The DeepSIM X-Light super-resolution module can easily be integrated with the X-Light V3 spinning disk confocal system to provide enhanced imaging of sub-cellular structures and to examine live-cell dynamics, with an XY resolution of 100 nm, without requiring any special sample preparation or dyes.


  • Widefield, confocal and super-resolution in one system
  • Expand Your Palette
  • Customizable spinning disk

For more information, please click:


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