
Differential Scanning Calorimetry - Nano DSC
Nano DSC is a high-resolution method for quantifying the thermal stability of large biomolecules and biotherapeutics. This instrument measures the heat of reaction from tertiary and secondary structure changes that occur when a biomolecule unfolds, or melts in the case of nucleic acids and lipids. The Nano DSC provides peak temperature when unfolding occurs and a total heat from the unfolding event.
The Nano DSC is a highly sensitive differential scanning calorimeter for testing liquid samples containing a biomolecule or biotherapeutic sample. The unit is software controlled and experiments are set up, so that a sample is heated at a controlled rate over a defined temperature range. The Nano DSC can be automated to deliver samples directly from temperature-controlled 96 well plates, for unattended use. Automated cleaning eliminates sample carryover effects, and automated sample loading ensures the sample is delivered to the instrument the same way, every time.
The Nano DSC allows researchers to characterize the thermal stability of their samples without the use of exogenous tags or dyes, thereby simplifying workflows and reducing errors in biopharmaceutical development. Researchers can rely on the measurement reproducibility and accuracy to ensure that material changes that may occur during manufacturing or storage are easily identifiable. The Nano DSC allows researchers to test their materials under their desired conditions, without reliance on manufacturer required reagents. In one experiment, the researcher can determine the melting temperature, enthalpy and heat capacity change, allowing them to calculate the free energy to make a fully informed decision on which formulation is most stable.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry - Nano ITC
The Nano ITC Standard Volume and Nano ITC Low Volume isothermal titration calorimeters are designed to provide maximum sensitivity and flexibility for the study of biomolecular binding. Both instruments use solid state thermoelectric heating and cooling systems to precisely control temperature, and have the same flexible injection syringe assemblies for efficient and accurate delivery of titrant.
The true isothermal power compensation design of the Nano ITC instruments provides the highest sensitivity and flexibility for an ultrasensitive ITC analyzing biological samples in-solution.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry - Affinity ITC
The Affinity ITC and ITC Auto are designed for the most challenging life science laboratory environments that require high sensitivity, high productivity and the most advanced ITC technologies. The Affinity ITC, along with the Nano DSC, are used in gene therapy applications for characterizing serotype and drug loading in AAVs and LNPs, as well as target and off-target binding interactions.
The Affinity ITC brings advanced engineering to all critical aspects of the measurement ensuring the highest quality ITC data.
The All New Affinity ITC - Perfected ITC Automation: https://youtu.be/69L11BS3Ri0?si=aSLOg5CA9aHWJBdj

Isothermal Microcalorimetry - TAM IV
All chemical, physical and biological processes are associated with heat production or heat consumption.
TAM IV is the most sensitive, stable, and flexible microcalorimeter system in the world for directly measuring this universal heat signal and, therefore, the quantitative thermodynamic and kinetic observation of any process. It is a unique microcalorimeter system that is completely modular and combines the highest heat flow sensitivity with unmatched long-term temperature stability for measuring many processes that are undetectable by other techniques. A wide range of calorimeter configurations and sample handling systems provide maximum application flexibility and ensure optimum laboratory productivity.
TAM IV - The World's Most Sensitive Calorimeter System : https://youtu.be/a5w4VJAExhU

Isothermal Microcalorimetry - TAM Air
The new TAM Air from TA Instruments is a powerful isothermal calorimeter with heat flow sensitivity in the microwatt range and unmatched baseline drift performance. New TAM Air Advantages include:
- Operating temperature range: 5 °C – 90 °C
- Circulating air thermostat with temperature stability at ±0.001 °C
- Updated electronics for accurate data acquisition and EU ROHS compliance
- User choice of 8-channel or 3-channel calorimeter configuration
- Improved baseline drift performance for long term (e.g. weeks) experiments
- Connect up to 8 external probes including I/O Voltage card
- Compatible with all current TAM Air ampoules
- Operates with complete TAM IV Lab Asst. software
All calorimetric channels are of the twin type, consisting of a sample and a reference chamber. The 8-channel calorimeter will accommodate ampoules with a 20 mL volume. The 3-channel calorimeter will accommodate ampoules with a 125 mL volume. The TAM Air is the recognized instrument of choice in the research and development, as well as quality control process of cement and concrete. With the higher volume ampoules in the 3-channel calorimeter, the TAM Air can also be utilized in food and environmental science applications.
The New TAM Air Isothermal Calorimeter: https://youtu.be/_PlZntnF7U0?si=wlqYET2oK-7RvdYd
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